Monday, October 11, 2010

From Magic Newswire: Franz, No Money?


On May 27, 2010, Franz Harary (and his wife, Akiko Harary) filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (Case Number 2:10-BK-31587-TD). The case is still pending. In the bankruptcy petition, Mr. Harary made the following disclosures:
Total assets: $667,410
Total liabilities: $940,313.73
Current monthly income: $3,674
Current monthly expenses: $8,998
Interesting assets include: 6 rabbits, 2 lizards, 1 snake (total value of pets is $750); total cash on hand $660; home in Los Angeles worth $580,000
Interesting liabilities include: $73,122+ in credit card balances on at least 8 different accounts
Interesting source of income: "Gifts from Father-in-Law"
This information comes from the bankruptcy petion which is a part of pubic record and can be viewed in PDF format HERE