 From The Editor
You might be thinking that I've been spending a lot of ink on Derek DelGaudio and Helder Guimarães over the last few years. And with cover stories in May and October 2011, respectively, plus a full report of their debut shows at the Magic Castle in August 2012, you'd be right. But I can't think of two other artists who have rocked the magic world, and now the real world, as much as Derek and Helder have recently.
Individually, they've dominated the Close-up and Parlour Magician of the Year awards at the Castle for the past two years. Together, their show,Nothing to Hide, did sellout business at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles, with extensions upon extensions. And now there's serious talk of bringing the duo's magical piece of theater to New York City.
Mike Caveney wrote our first article on Derek and Helder's show at the Castle. This time, he sat down to talk with them about their success at the Geffen. The conversation begins in this month's issue and I suspect it will be continuing for years to come!
This has been going on all year, and it doesn't matter what I say or what I write — I can't seem to get the word out to everyone that MAGIC Live is not sold out! I know, it has sold out in the past, but we've added close-up shows and we've added parlor shows. And that means we've added capacity. Yes, we're running ahead of 2011, so this will be the biggest MAGIC Live ever, but we still have a place for you.
If you're on the fence, here are a few things to consider. Our theme this year is Friends, and friendship is without borders. We're bringing in over sixty performers and presenters from fifteen different countries. To give you an idea of how international we are, our stage show and our close-up show have only one American in each. And if you were with us in 2011 and enjoyed our Documentary Live, the story of Sawing A Woman in Half, we're at it again. I won't reveal the subject of the show this year, but I will tell you this: it's not a trick! Also, there's our $35 per night hotel rate, and the fact that the next MAGIC Live is over three years away. And if all that doesn't sway you, just ask a friend.
See you in August!
Stan Allen
P.S. The July 2013 issue is now available in print, as well as on the iPad. If you haven't already received your copy, here's a look at what's "between the covers."
Stories in MAGIC this month: 
Derek & Helder: Nothing to Hide By Mike Caveney Teaming up to present a duo show at the Magic Castle, Derek DelGaudio and Helder Guimarães became the talk of the magic world. A highly successful run at the Geffen Theater in Los Angeles brought them public acclaim. Mike Caveney talked to the pair about how they got where they are and where they're going next.
King of Conjurors By David Meyer Ed Reno was a classically styled magician who toured the small towns of America throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, generally playing under canvas on the Chautauqua circuit. He may have had some eccentric habits, but other magicians were impressed with how good Reno really was.
The Gift By Jamie D. Grant It was the worst night of Dan Harlan's life. A crime he doesn't remember, a very public embarrassment, and a life-altering aftermath. With that all behind him now, Dan Harlan reflects on what happened and what a gift it may have been.
Pocket Tricks By Diamond Jim Tyler This excerpt from Diamond Jim Tyler's latest book features tricks and gags that will fit in your pocket, using common items that are not normally thought of as magic props. Here's an impromptu prediction with a cell phone, a Post-it note puzzler, and a crafty use for fortune cookies.
Plus Updates on…
- The home of Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company, the Cabot Street Cinema Theatre in Beverly, Massachusetts, up for sale.
- The opening of the Hilton Head Comedy & Magic Club, Kerry Pollock's new home.
- Walt Anthony celebrating the 100th performance of the San Francisco Magic Parlor.
- A 2004 Porsche Cayenne named Izzy offers magic history around town.
Bonus Content in MAGIC Plus…
- A 360-degree video tour of Izzy, the magic car.
- "Walk About Tricks" videos with Jason England.
- Additional photographs of the Cabot Street Theatre.
- Convention Podcasts: SAM National Convention, IBM Annual Convention, MagiCelebration, Abbott's Magic Get-Together, MAGIC Live, Mid-west Magic Jubilee, Daytona Festival of Magic, and TAOM.
More products reviewed this month:
Twenty products are reviewed this month by Michael Claxton, Peter Duffie, Jason England, Alan Howard, Jared Brandon Kopf, Francis Menotti, Arthur Trace:
The Art of Switching Decks by Roberto Giobbi My Magical Journey by Milt Larsen The Grid by Richard Wiseman Houdini and Gysel by Wayne Wissner Transparency by Boris Wild Every Trick in the Book by Charlie Dancey The Trilby Deck by Joe Stuthard One Card Collector by Alexander Külle Delicious Ambitious by Alexander Külle The Complete Works of Derek Dingle by Richard Kaufman Voyeur by Romanos David Williamson Live with David Williamson Scents of Wonder by The Miracle Factory Extraordinary Beliefs: A Historical Approach to a Psychological Problem by Peter Lamont The Monk's Way by Steve Reynolds 6 by Six with Michael "Six" Muldoon Combustion by Arron Jones The Omni Pen by World Magic Shop Magnum by Mark Zust Mona Lisa Van Gogh by The Miracle Factory
And there's even more tricks and advice this month:
     Talk About Tricks: The Happy Magician By Joshua Jay This month, we begin with John Guastaferro and a beautiful moment in which a pack of cards vanishes from around two selections. Chris Westfall's Off By A Lot is a charming routine in which messages on the back of a selected card keep changing as the card itself changes, until you finally arrive at the selected card. Tattle Too is Donny Orbit's handling of a little-known Google Easter egg, and Yu-Hsuan Lin explores a fun effect with just five cards.
Les Amis: On the Rocks By Gaëtan Bloom & Kevin James In this effect, you have two clear plastic cups The first one is full of ice cubes, the second one full of scotch. You pour the liquid over the ice cubes, then pour the combination back and forth a few times, showing the two cups full of the mixture of ice and beverage. You pour everything back into one cup a final time, leaving the other cup empty. Your two hands approach each other and, in a split second, the hands are separated — and one cup is now full of scotch, the other full of ice cubes, just like at the beginning!
Loving Mentalism: Four The Win By Ian Rowland This month's helping of mental mystery is a ten-card poker deal with a few important differences. For one thing, there are no playing cards involved. And there aren't ten of them. And it has nothing to do with the rules of poker! It all adds up to a short and simple exercise in verbal mind control that can be presented either close-up or onstage.
Bent on Deception: Mismade Flag? Myth-Made Flag? Miss-Made Flag! By Mike Bent The Mismade Flag is an old standard, and it's an especially great trick for younger kids. It can be used in any show, but it works particularly well for Presidents Day, Fourth of July, or school and library shows that are tied in to a George Washington or Betsy Ross book.
50 Years at the Castle: Gags, Gimmicks, Gadgets, and Goofs — Fifty Years of Fun! By Milt Larsen From the day we opened the Magic Castle in 1963, we felt it should be a really fun place to visit. When the owner of the property, Thomas Glover, was a little unsure of leasing his grand old Hollywood mansion to a comedy writer/magician, he asked me to write up something that would explain what I had in mind. I wrote him a little scenario that described arriving at the grand entrance to a millionaire magician's mansion at the turn of the century. Guests would enter a room with no exit and say a secret word that would activate a fireplace mantel that would swing open like the one I remembered from an old Abbott & Costello movie.…
Our Magic Stories: Harry, Harry, and Me By Gerald A. Schiller I don't remember most of the show Harry Blackstone Jr. did that night, except for one trick. It was the Kellar Rope Tie and it involved some pickpocketing as well, all of which I discovered when I volunteered to be his assistant. He deftly got my watch and my wallet, and once again I enjoyed being the victim of a master magician's skill and humor. After the show, I stopped to thank him as he packed his apparatus. I couldn't resist saying, "You know, the last person who picked my pocket was your father — back in Philadelphia at the Walnut Street Theater, many years ago."
Viewpoint: The Joy of Failure By Chris Philpott What do you do when a trick doesn't work? There's a scary thought. That's the magician's nightmare, isn't it? But maybe it shouldn't be. Maybe — just maybe — we should fail more.
For What It's Worth: First Trick By Mark Kornhauser Every magician remembers his or her earliest inspirations. There was some moment of wonder and confusion and the burning desire to know how it was done. We got "the bug." We wanted to be the magician. Who wouldn't trade a little innocence for an opportunity to be master of the universe?
Paynefully Obvious: The Wisdom to Know the Difference By Payne The other day, I heard a story about a magician whose performance was repeatedly disrupted by a boisterous audience member who kept shouting out how the tricks were done. Unlike the hecklers of old who would spout off best guesses such as "It went up your sleeve" or "He's using a magnet," this fellow's revelations were all spot on. He really knew the magician's secrets, not because he'd stumbled across them somewhere, but because he was using his iPhone, in real time, to find explanations on the Internet. |